Privacy Policy

Please note that this confidentiality policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by , in particular with a view to complying with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments. If such changes occur, the update date will be clearly indicated at the top of this policy. These modifications become binding on the User as soon as they are posted online. The User is therefore advised to regularly consult this privacy and cookies policy in order to stay informed of any modifications.

Personal informations

You are not required to provide personal information when you visit the website . However, if you choose not to do so, some information or services may be inaccessible.

In some cases, may ask you for your name, email address, telephone number or other personal details. By providing this information, you agree that it will be processed by, for the purposes indicated below and specified on each form.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended, informs you of the following:

The data controller is , whose head office is located in india. may process your personal information to:

  • Provide you with the information or services requested, such as newsletters, commercial offers, quotes, order processing and commercial relationship management.
  • To improve the website, products and services through the collection of data, including cookies.
  • Contact you regarding events related to , in particular for updates to quotes or orders.

Your personal information is intended exclusively for and is never shared with third parties, except subcontractors used by . Neither nor its subcontractors sell personal data.

Your personal information is kept only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes described in point 2, and in any case, not more than 13 months.

You have several rights relating to your personal information, which you can exercise by writing to us at the address mentioned in point 1 or via the form provided for this purpose.

You have the right to access your personal information. Due to ‘s security and confidentiality obligations in processing personal data, requests will only be processed upon presentation of proof of identity, which may include a scan or signed photocopy of your ID. valid identity. reserves the right to reject requests that are manifestly abusive, excessive, repetitive or systematic.

You have the right to request the correction, updating, blocking or deletion of inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete data.

You can also set instructions regarding the management of your personal data after your death. The heirs of a deceased person can request necessary updates or recognition of the person’s death.

You can object to the processing of your data in two situations:

  • If the opposition is based on legitimate grounds.
  • If the opposition aims to prevent the use of the data collected for commercial prospecting purposes.

Response Time undertakes to respond to requests for access, rectification, opposition or any other request for additional information within one month of receipt of the request.

Complaints If you consider that is not respecting its obligations regarding your personal information, you can send a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties.

Cookie policy

When you first connect to the site , a banner warns you that information relating to your browsing may be recorded in files called “cookies”. This policy aims to inform you about the measures implemented regarding cookies, their use, and how to configure them.

  1. General information on site cookies : As publisher of the site, may install a cookie on your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.) to ensure smooth and optimal navigation. Cookies are small text files that allow your device to be recognized and the services offered to be personalized. The information collected via cookies does not allow you to be identified by name. They are used only to improve the interactivity and performance of the site, and to provide you with personalized content based on your interests. This information is never communicated to third parties, except prior consent or legal obligation. Below you will find a table listing the different types of cookies used on the site, their name, their purpose and their lifespan.
  2. Configuring your cookie preferences : You can accept or refuse cookies at any time. When you first log in, a banner appears at the bottom of the screen with information about the use of cookies. By continuing to browse the site or by clicking on “Accept”, you consent to the use of cookies on your device. Depending on the type of cookie, your consent may be required.
    • Cookies exempt from consent: In accordance with the recommendations, certain cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the site or facilitating electronic communication are exempt from prior consent. Cookies requiring prior consent: Persistent cookies, issued by third parties, require your consent before being placed on your device. These cookies include those for audience measurement (such as Google Analytics) and sharing on social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn).
    For audience measurement cookies, such as Google Analytics, you can consult their privacy policies via this link: Google Analytics privacy rules . For cookies shared on social networks, you can consult their cookie policies via the following links:
  3. Configuration of cookie management tools: Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can modify these settings to systematically reject all cookies or only accept certain cookies depending on their issuer. Refusing cookies may affect your user experience and access to certain site services. cannot be held responsible for the consequences linked to your refusal of cookies necessary for the operation of the site. These consequences do not constitute damage giving rise to compensation.
  4. Setting your internet browser: Each browser offers its own settings for managing cookies.